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Calling gRPC services from UI!

In my last post I went over how gRPC fares against the REST services.

Today I want to walk you through on what's it like to call them from frontend apps and show how to create a web gRPC JavaScript client!

philosophy #

so what's the catch? sounds too good to be true

browser #

The basic tenet of gRPC is that it works on http 2, and that's a problem for web.

Why?? #

There's no way a browser can mandate the transport protocol to the server whether it's HTTP 1 or HTTP 2.

ever seen a parameter in fetch specfying the transport protocol?

No. I know right!

This happens because:


Even though HTTP 2 can work without SSL but browsers have taken a call that they won't.

If you're hungry for more, read the actual spec differences here

solution #

A ready-made proxy available to seamlessly convert gRPC calls from http1 <-> http2 and taking care of all other differences.

There are two proxies you can use today:

I will use the second in this post without using envoy proxy.

consuming the gRPC service #

step 1: get hold of the .proto file #

Using this .proto file for the little demo!

syntax = 'proto3';

message SumRequest {
	int32 num1 = 1;
	int32 num2 = 2;

message SumResponse {
	int32 sum = 1;

service DemoService {
	rpc Sum(SumRequest) returns (SumResponse);

This tells that there's a DemoService which has an API called Sum which take SumRequest and returns SumResponse.

step 2: generate client stubs #

The single most high point of consuming gRPC service to me is to not integrate the API by hand like creating payloads, calling each API with correct URL, query params etc.

Here, you just generate the code at build time, and you're done!

Install protoc, the official protobuf compiler which reads the .proto file and spits out js code. More info on installing it locally here

no one:
literally no one:

me: I eat, drink and sleep `Typescript`.

If you're like me, then no need to worry as there's an amazing plugin that creates the types automatically for the generated code.

One-liner command to generate the code from .proto file.

protoc \
  --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./src/generated \
  --grpc-web_out=import_style=typescript,mode=grpcwebtext:./src/generated \
  -I=../service/src/main/proto \

The protoc command takes some options which are self-explanatory

On running this, the generated folder is populated with these files

step 3: make the API request! #

At this point of time you've everything you need to make the API call.

import { DemoServiceClient } from "./generated/ServiceServiceClientPb";
import { SumRequest } from "./generated/service_pb";

// request creation - all typescript!
const request = new SumRequest();

// client creation
const client = new DemoServiceClient("http://localhost:3000/api");

// call methods instead of firing api
const response = await client.sum(request, { "some-header": "probably" });

const result = response.getSum();

If you're to hover on the client.sum method, you can see its signature.

(method) DemoServiceClient.sum(request: SumRequest, metadata: any): Promise<SumResponse> (+1 overload)

It returns a Promise, wow with strongly typed response.


I wrote a small webpage to view this on a browser. Dockerized it, so that you can clone and run one command to get everything up!

git clone
docker-compose up --build

The app would be accessible on localhost:3000.

It uses the go web proxy to smoothen over the gaps of grpc-web and grpc protocol. (covered in detail later)

If you look at the network call you won't find your friendly old json, but some binary gibberish!

request payload of a grpc call

And same on the response too.

grpc response in devtools

deployment pattern #

Out of all the possible ways of deployment, I've gone ahead and taken a progressive approach. I've assumed

architecture of grpc

In the above architecture diagram, all the calls from client are landing at UI server which is an express server running at port=3000.

Instead of routing the calls directly to the backend service I'm sending them to an intermediary layer - grpc web proxy which transforms the web request to proper grpc http/2 request which the backend service understands!

request path #

browser -> ui server #

const client = new DemoServiceClient("http://localhost:3000/api");

ui server -> grpc proxy #

const httpProxy = require("http-proxy");

const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({
  target: "http://proxy:8080",

// catching the gRPC requests here
// and removing the made-up /api
// before sending it to proxy
app.all("/api/*", (req, res) => {
  req.url = req.url.replace("/api", "");
  proxy.web(req, res, (e) => console.error(e));

proxy -> grpc backend #

I'm using here the grpcWebProxy as a binary which takes in a command line parameter --backend_addr=some.ip.addr:port the address of the backend service.

I dockerised this too and this is the tiny Dockerfile which does the entire configuration

FROM debian:stretch-slim

WORKDIR /proxy

COPY grpcwebproxy-v0.14.0-linux-x86_64 ./proxy-binary

CMD ["./proxy-binary", "--backend_addr=grpc-java-service:3000", "--run_tls_server=false", "--allow_all_origins"]

proxy considerations #

Which one to choose? envoy or grpcWebProxy?

closing #

Frontend code style is more prototypal in nature, which means that you don't explicitly add setters/getters in the classes, and just directly use the attribute.

But just while using this, one needs to take care of using them in a manner where you set or get the data only using setter/getter methods.

If you're to look at the JS object (say SumResponse)

grpc object in js

You can see the prototype has all the required methods to access the data, and if you don't try to access the attribute directly - you'll do just fine :)

code #

All the code for this is located here

discuss on twitter, because why not?